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Urgent and Emergency Care FAQs

When your pet faces a sudden health crisis, knowing how to respond can be crucial. Emergencies can arise unexpectedly, and it’s essential to be prepared. Before you visit New Hope Animal Hospital in Durham, NC, take a look at some frequently asked questions about urgent and emergency care below:

Urgent and Emergency Care FAQs

What Symptoms Indicate a Pet Emergency?

Pets can be good at hiding discomfort. However, there are some clear signs that your pet needs to be brought to our urgent vet clinic, such as the following:

•             Severe or persistent diarrhea or vomiting

•             Seizures

•             Losing consciousness

•             Breathing rapidly

•             Having trouble breathing

•             Bleeding heavily

•             Being unable to stand up or move around

If your pet shows any of these signs, don’t hesitate to have our team examine him or her and provide prompt treatment.

What Can I Expect from Urgent Care?

You don’t need an appointment at our animal clinic for emergencies. Our triage setup helps ensure that we see your pet as soon as we can. We will take X-rays or run tests as needed and provide your pet with prompt care to ease its symptoms and promote healing!

What Are Some Common Emergencies in Pets?

Pets can experience various situations that lead to life-threatening injuries or illnesses. They might ingest something toxic or they might fall while trying to climb or jump. Some other emergencies in pets include:

•             Ingesting or being exposed to something toxic, like certain plants and foods

•             Allergic reactions

•             Heatstroke

•             Injuries from being hit by a car

•             Ingesting a foreign object

•             Severe infections

What Should I Do If My Pet Is Choking?

If your cat or dog is choking, try to act quickly and carefully. Gently open his or her mouth to see if you can remove the object causing the blockage. If you cannot remove it, or if your pet is struggling to breathe, seek emergency veterinary care immediately. Avoid using excessive force to prevent further injury.

How Do I Handle Bleeding in My Pet?

To stop bleeding, apply firm pressure to the wound with a clean cloth or bandage. Hold the pressure for several minutes to help control the bleeding. If the bleeding continues or is severe, take your pet to our vets right away. Keeping him or her calm and limiting its movement is important until you can get it to our clinic.

What Steps Should I Take If My Pet Ingests a Toxic Substance?

If your pet ingests a toxic substance, contact our veterinarians or an emergency animal poison control hotline immediately. Do not induce vomiting unless specifically instructed by a professional, as this could cause more harm. Provide as much information as possible about the substance, the amount ingested, and when it happened.

Visit Us for an Appointment Today

For expert guidance and immediate care, contact New Hope Animal Hospital in Durham, NC at (919) 490-2000. Our dedicated team is here to provide the urgent and emergency care your pet needs to stay healthy and safe. When you’re seeking a veterinarian near you, we are ready to assist!

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